Sundried fava beans

Vicia faba L.

Fava beans come from annual plants. The shape of the main stem is an edged square with a green base and purplish apex. The plant can grow from 1.4 to 1.6 m in height.

Quelcao Fava Beans: Edible seeds are found inside the pods, with 1 to 4 seeds per medium-sized and seniform pod. It is light green with concentric stripes of dark green on the sides of the seed with a very long “eye”, where 100 seeds – weighing between 180 to 210 grams – are found.

Green Pacae Fava Beans: Dark green and glossy with a long light green or black “eye”. It comes in a medium to large attened-oval shape, where 100 seeds – weighing between 145 to 260 grams – are found.


High-quality proteins: fava beans should be included in the vegan and vegetarian diet. It is highly recommended that – in addition to broad beans – other sources of proteins, such as egg, tofu, or textured soy, be consumed to complement the diet.

May help to prevent anemia: due to a lack of folate or iron.

Helps lower cholesterol: the fiber in broad beans can help lower cholesterol in the blood and prevent sharp increases in blood sugar levels, both of which represent risk factors for cardiovascular disease (*include the Harvard Nutritional Source).

Promotes digestive health contains -fiber, resistant starches, and indigestible carbohydrates. Resistant starch acts as a prebiotic food for “healthy” bacteria, such as Bidobacteria. Over the long-term, this “healthy” bacteria supports normal intestinal function and may help in the prevention of colorectal cancer.